Monday, October 10, 2016

The Theatre Tag

I was just sitting here thinking, and I thought that you guys might want to know a little more about my theatre background, and part of my love for theatre. So, I looked online for a theatre tag and I think I found a good one. Without further ado, I present The Theatre Tag!

Q: How old were you when you first started doing theatre?
  • I was in my first production when I was 7 year old. It was a part of a summer camp at my towns local theatre and my group performed an except from The Wizard of Oz. Though being a part of the Lullaby  League was fun, I didn't pursue theatre for five years after that. The first production that got me into theatre was when I was 12 when I was cast in Aladdin.
Q: Current show(s) you're in?
  •  I am currently in a show with my theatre class. We are performing a one act called Blues as a canned food drive.
Q: Have you ever seen any shows on Broadway?
  • Unfortunately, I have not. But, I would love to go to New York and see a show on Broadway sometime in the near future.
Q: How many shows have you been in?
  • I have performed in 15 shows and worked as a tech in 6.
Q: Favorite musical? Favorite play?
  • Musicals: Hamilton (Duh), Shrek, Rent, and Sweeney Todd
  • Plays: Twelfth Night and Clue
Q: Favorite role you've ever played?
  • My favorite role I have EVER played is probably Pin from CinderOz (an original production). I liked being able to create a voice and a character that was completely different from who I am.
Q: A tip you'd give to new theatre kids?
  • Don't expect to get the role the first time. It can take a long before it happens for you. Just stick with it and be patient. It will come. Also, there is always something to learn, so be open to learn something new.
Q: Dream role(s)?
  • I would definitely LOVE to either portray Mrs. Lovett from Sweeney Todd or Elphaba from Wicked. Or maybe even both.
Q: Biggest theatre pet peeves?
  • I H-A-T-E HATE it when people say good luck instead of break a leg. It takes everything in my not to correct them. Also, it irritates me when my computer says that "theatre" is spelled wrong. It bugs me more than you know.
Q: Favorite improve game?
  • I am a sucker for revolver, good advice bad advice, and categories.
Q: Ever have a stage kiss?
  • Nope.
Q: What are you're theatre strengths/weaknesses?
  • Strengths: memorization and projection
  • Weaknesses: Articulation
Q: Do you have a crazy cast party memory?
  • I was one of the techs for Seussical the Musical my freshman year of high school. I went to the cast pool party, which was crazy in itself. We ended up pushing everyone in the pool. We also ganged up on the guy who played the cat in the hat.
Q: You're most awkward onstage moment?
  • When I was in CinderOz, during our first two performances, our lighting tech had some technical difficulties. Oz and I had to enter with the lights still on when they were supposed to be off.
Q: Most challenging role you've ever played
  • Definitely Mrs. White in Clue. I have a lot of sexual lines I had to say and I even had to say one to a women who is usually directing my performances. Let's just say, I was still laughing at my lines during tech week and I couldn't look my director in the eye when I said the line.
Q: Why do you love theatre?
  • I love theatre for so many reasons. I love being able to create a character is nothing like who I am. I love the rush I get on stage. But most importantly, I love they people in this family. I love how caring and accepting the people are, and I personally love my theatre family.
Theatre is such an important part of my life, and I love every thing about it.


Carlee Williamson

Instagram: The_Theatre_Corner
Twitter: Theatre_Corner

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