Saturday, January 7, 2017

Tips: Getting over a Cold

Now let's be honest, the worst fear of any stage actor is getting sick before any audition or show. I will admit, as I am writing this, I am currently sick with a cold and I have an audition on Wednesday. I thought since this is a common fear and quite frankly happens often that I would tell you guys my secret for getting rid of a cold as fast as possible.

Firstly, I must say that this will not work with the flu and other illnesses such as mono, but if you have the common cold, this should work every time.

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Now the first thing I always take when I am sick is a zinc lozenge. They come in a multitude of flavors and help to end colds faster than is you just leave it. And believe me, I hate leaving colds. I like to use the brand Cold-Eeze because that is what I grew up with. I tend to take three of these every day usually after every meal. You don't want to take them before a meal because zinc lozenges numb your taste buds for a little while. I would also space out each Cold-Eeze by at least four hours.

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The next thing I take are echinacea capsules. They are herbs ground up into powder and put into a capsule that you take orally. It helps to boost the immune system and helps to fight colds. I usually take one capsule with breakfast and one capsule with dinner.

Other than that, I do the usual things you would do when you have a cold. I drink a lot of water to keep myself hydrated. I take naps because rest really help. I also take warm showers and drink tea because the steam and warm liquid help to soothe the throat and clear the sinuses.

Also, I would keep a few boxes of tissues by you at all times. I know it seems like a no-brainer, but I have gone through a whole box in one day before. In fact, I ran out of tissues the other night. It's always safe to have extra in case you need it.

This is what I do when I need a little bit of help getting better faster. And I can tell you that this has worked for me many times. The best example is when I was in my last full length show, I got sick the week we opened and I was only really sick for one of the performances.

Hope this helps you when you need to get better faster than what would happen naturally.



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