Earlier this year I graduated from high school. With that came a lot of stress thanks to school work. My final semester was quite tough and it became a time of focusing on homework and grades. But, I finished off high school and was very relieved to be out of there. When I began my senior year, I didn't want to leave all of my friends, but by the end of it all, I just wanted to be out and away from the stress for a while.
In late August, I began my freshman year of college. I enjoyed the first semester and loved how new everything was. But with that came an adjustment period. I was having a hard time adjusting to the condensed courses and how fast paced everything was. It probably didn't help that I had some classes that were quite difficult as well. My school schedule was also quite different from what I am used to. But all in all, I feel that I have acclimated to my new environment and will be fully prepared to take on my next semester.
With the New Year upon us, I wanted to find a way to fit blogging into my schedule as well. I very much enjoy posting on here and I hope to do more of that. This means that I have made a new schedule that I feel I will be able to stick to fairly easily.
Next semester, my classes are scheduled closer together, with the exception of one morning class three days a week. This means that for these days, I will be free for most of those days. This gives me a good portion of time to blog and do my school work.
And finally, I would love to know what you guys would like to see on here. Please send me suggestions either via the comments, Twitter, or Instagram.
I wish you all a Happy New Year. See you in 2018.
Instagram: @The_Theatre_Corner
Twitter: @Theatre_Corner